“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~Aristotle

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Swissssh? A few months ago I met a high school player at the local YMCA on a Sunday afternoon to make some shots and put him through an individual workout. It was crowded and as I walked in a thought entered my mind that all the courts might be full. Hopefully, I thought, one of the six courts will be available. We were both excited as we open the door to the courts to see one goal completely empty at the back of the gym. My student sat down to lace up his shoes and I hurried back to the goal with the balls and set the bag on the baseline. The session plan was to start with some 2 ball POUND DRIBBLES and was planning to have him warm up with some 2 Ball dynamics.

As we talked about The Goal for the session, I pointed to the Goal and then the reality of the open court became obvious. Really? No Wonder! Are you kidding me I thought without saying anything.

After all I didn't want the challenge to ruin the workout. Or, The Goal! But, Really... Then, I thought about the lesson of a worn out net. Swish! Somebody's been pursuing a GOAL!

What is your GOAL? 

Great-Handles? Dunk it? The Big W? Score 20 Points? Win-the-Championship? Make All-State? Earn a Scholarship? Get-that-Contract? Make-the-Team? Make-the-Team? Get-in-the-Game? Score? Take-a-Charge? Steal? Double-Double? Start? Head Coaching Job? Degree? Next Level? The League? Captain? Starter? 6th Man? Maximum Contract?

Is Goal Setting Necessary: Personal Goals, Team Goals, and/or NO GOALS

GOAL by definition is: 1.What one desires-hopes-plans-seeks-pursues-lives-or purposes to do or achieve. The endgame toward which effort is directed. Or, 2. The TARGET, result or achievement toward which effort is directed; Synonyms: intention, purpose, end, aim, object, objective.

THE GOAL of a game is very familiar to you. The RIM, HOOP, GOAL LINE, or HOME PLATE drives us. In fact, THE GOAL, motivation is set for us. We are motivated to play games: To make baskets, score points, score touchdowns because of THE GOAL. But, what happens when a monster dunk shatters the backboard? Or, if you, like me, walk into a gym and THE GOAL or rim is broke? What do you do? How does the absence of THE GOAL affect you physically? Mentally?

Defining Your GOAL, 

Your ROLE, 

& Your STORY

What is your STORY? What is the most important STORY line in your life? What do you want your legacy to be? Don't just read this! WRITE! Open the notepad on your smartphone, get your personal player notebook out, or download an application to help you pursue your passion.. Answer this question: What do you want to achieve? What are most important needs-desires-passions in your life? What is your PERSONAL VISION of your best potential? WRITE/DESCRIBE the Vision! How are you going to go about achieving your STORY? WHY is it important to you? WRITE DOWN the Goal - Write Your STORY! Pursue Your Passion! DO IT NOW!


 Visit his site WARRIOR MIND COACH here: The Action Part of Goal Setting

So what will U do now? The net is on the rim. The court is open. How many SHOTS are U going to take? But more important: How many are U going to MAKE? Write it Down!!!

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